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Re: st: Any way to impose a memory limit?

From   "Sergiy Radyakin" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Any way to impose a memory limit?
Date   Wed, 22 Oct 2008 12:37:25 -0400

Hi, Neil.

The license restricts:

1. how (within one session) the computations are brunched (in MP).
Even for a single CPU Stata (e.g. IC or SE) you can start as many
sessions as your computer is capable of, e.g. 40 (Stata licenses cover
up to 32 CPUs max AFAIK). In fact Bill Gould earlier explained how
Stata generates a session identifier (instance number) to prevent
conflicts between several simultaneously running Stata sessions on one
E.g. I often run a .do file in a different Stata so as not to
preserve/restore data in the current session if they are relatively
independent jobs. (Stata program loads much faster than to save and
load, say a 600M dataset).

2. the network license restricts the number of users, but I don't want
to artificially reduce this limit. Rather I want to make sure that
noone can MONOPOLIZE the server by requesting all resources to his/her
job. I couldn't find any definitive explanation on the Stata's website
as to what is the behaviour of the network-licensed Stata with this

Suppose, for example, I have users A, B, C, D and a networked Stata MP
with license for 4 users, 2CPUs.

I want A, B, C and D to be able to run up to 2 Stata sessions each
simultaneously (up to 8 sessions in total), and I want no user to
claim more than 4 GB of memory in each Stata session. How to do it? if
it is at all possible.

Best regards, Sergiy

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 5:36 AM, Neil Shephard <[email protected]> wrote:
> Sergiy Radyakin wrote:
>> Dear All,
>>   I have 2 questions regarding configuring Stata to run on a remote
>> server (Win64):
>>   Q1.  is there any way an administrator can impose an upper limit on
>> the memory (X) that Stata can allocate with -set mem X- (ideally for
>> each specific user)?
> Can't help there I'm afraid.
>>   Q2: is there any way to limit the number of simultaneously running
>> Statas (number of sessions)?
> Won't Stata limit this via the license?  I.e. if the license only
> permits two simultaneous users then you can't start three sessions?
> Neil
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