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st: R: RE: re: a question related to -foreach-

From   "Carlo Lazzaro" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: R: RE: re: a question related to -foreach-
Date   Wed, 22 Oct 2008 08:15:40 +0200

Dear Nick,
thanks a lot for your kind and helpful hints. Reading across your reply, I
notice that In my previous attempts to solve the problem by myself I have
mixed up the lines you wrote about -foreach- and -forval- (:

Thanks a lot again and Kind Regards,

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Per conto di Nick Cox
Inviato: martedì 21 ottobre 2008 19.32
A: [email protected]
Oggetto: st: RE: re: a question related to -foreach-

Notwithstanding this good advice, it may be of interest to see an answer
to the original question. 

First, as does Kit, I assume that the number of observations is at least
36. This can always be achieved by -set obs- if it is not correct. 

gen mean = . 
local i = 1 

qui foreach x of var b1-b36 { 
	su `x', meanonly 
	replace mean = r(mean) in `i' 
	local ++i 


gen mean = . 
qui forval i = 1/36 { 
	su b`i', meanonly 
	replace mean = r(mean) in `i' 

You will want to keep track of names too. 

For example, 

gen mean = . 
gen varname = "" 
local i = 1 

qui foreach x of var b1-b36 { 
	su `x', meanonly 
	replace mean = r(mean) in `i' 
	replace varname = "`x'" in `i' 
	local ++i 

[email protected] 

Christopher Baum

Carlo asks
. foreach x of varlist b1-b36 {
  2. summarize `x'
3. }
  I would like to generate a newvar in which the r(mean) for each one  
of the 36 variables included in varlist are stored. How can I do this  
in Stata 9.2/SE?

No need to use a foreach loop.

tabstat b1-b36, save
mat mu = r(StatTotal)'
mat li mu

If for some reason you want these in a variable, use -svmat-:

svmat mu

which creates variable mu1, obs. 1-36.

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