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AW: st: check_eq: limited capacity of locals
thanks for your reply - I sent Rose an email and will (or she will) report the solution to the list as soon as she found it.
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected] im Auftrag von Maarten buis
Gesendet: Mo 20.10.2008 10:07
An: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: st: check_eq: limited capacity of locals
A quick scan of the code gives a possible cause of the problem:
local p_list = r(varlist)
might better be coded as:
local p_list `r(varlist)'
But the best thing you can do is contact Rose directly (see the bottom
of the help-file), we can try to fix it, but she obviously knows the
program better than any of us and if she fixes it she can immediatly
replace the old version with a working version.
-- Maarten
--- "Gresch,Cornelia" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a problem with the ado "check_eq" (- a package which can be
> used to check a selection of predictors for a multiple imputation
> model with (ado: ICE)):
> I want to check the equations for several dependent variables by
> using 20 predictors. Since several of the predictors are categorial
> variables integrated as "dummies" into the model the different
> equations can become very large.
> E.g. one of the equations looks as follows (while all *_1/*_2/*_3 ...
> variables are dummy-sets of categorial variables):
> #delimit;
> check_eq, eq(
> e22106: e22107 e22104 e22105 e22103 e309m_1 e309m_2 e309m_3 e309m_4
> e309m_5 e309m_6 e309m_8 e309v_1 e309v_2 e309v_3 e309v_4 e309v_5
> e309v_6 e309v_8 e310m_1 e310m_2 e310m_3 e310m_4 e310m_5 e310m_7
> e310m_8 e339_1 e339_2 e339_4 e339_5 e339_6 e339_7 e310v_1 e310v_2
> e310v_3 e310v_4 e310v_5 e310v_7 e310v_8 e22102 tr12empr_1 tr12empr_2
> tr12empr_3 tr12empr_5 e226iv e209a_1 e209a_2 e209a_4 e209a_5 e209a_6
> e209a_7 e209a_8 tr10empr_1 tr10empr_2 tr10empr_3 tr10empr_5 e340_1
> e340_2 e340_4 e340_5 e340_6 t_sci s304_1 s304_2 s304_4 s304_5 e219a_1
> e219a_2 e219a_4 e219a_5 e219a_6 e219a_7 slsprachr_2 slsprachr_3
> slsprachr_4 slsprachr_5 slsprachr_6 slsprachr_7 slsprachr_8 e3his,
> ...-
> If I use the command I get error messages like
> - e2 ambiguous abbreviation -
> I checked it with -set trace on- and the equation seems to be too
> long for one local used in the ado, at least the long list of
> predictors is cut off in the middle ending with "e2" which causes the
> error message.
> So my question: is there any way to either extend the capacity of
> locals and how could I do it within the ado or is there any other way
> to integrate categorical variables in a shorter way into the
> equation? It is not possible to use "stars" (like e310m_* instead of
> e310m_1 e310m_2 e310m_3...).
> I hope you have any comments on this,
> Thanks!
> Cornelia
> **********************************************
> Cornelia Gresch (geb. Hausen)
> Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung
> Lentzeallee 94
> 14195 Berlin - Germany
> Raum: 296
> Telefon: 030-82406-675
> Email: [email protected]
> *
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Maarten L. Buis
Department of Social Research Methodology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
visiting address:
Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room N515
+31 20 5986715
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