Thank you, Scott and Nick.
This is exactly my problem. If I use the code Scott sent me, the data points don't correspond on both vertical axis.
What I want with the graph is to show the values of the data on both scales (for the reader not familiar with log scale, they can see how the numbers correspond from one scale to the other).
Hope I have clarified why I'd like a graph like this.
Does anyone have another solution?
--- On Sat, 10/18/08, Nick Cox <> wrote:
> From: Nick Cox <>
> Subject: RE: st: twoway scatter ..., yscale(log) with axis on log and arithmetic scales
> To:
> Date: Saturday, October 18, 2008, 7:55 AM
> Stata will draw this graph, but I see no point to it. The
> data points
> are shown w.r.t. the log scales, but the arithmetic scales
> relate to
> nothing (and vice versa).
> This is a question to Joana, as I think Scott was just
> trying to answer
> the question without necessarily understanding why Joana
> thinks this
> kind of graph would be useful.
> Nick
> Scott Merryman
> Something like this?
> sysuse auto,clear
> scatter mpg gear, ms(i) || scatter mpg gear, xscale(log
> axis(2))
> yscale(log axis(2)) yaxis(2) xaxis(2)
> On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 11:19 AM, Joana Cunha-Cruz
> <> wrote:
> >
> > How do we add the log scale on the opposite axis when
> using twoway
> scatter ..., yscale(log)?
> >
> > When using:
> > twoway scatter y x || line ypredictrate x,
> xscale(log) yscale(log)
> > the plotted data is on the log scale (that's what
> I want),
> > and the left axis shows the labels on the arithmetic
> scale...
> >
> > Now, how can I add an axis on the right and top with
> the label of the
> numbers on the log scale?
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