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Re: st: Error r(9611)

From   "Brian Karfunkel" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Error r(9611)
Date   Fri, 17 Oct 2008 10:55:16 -0700

In trying to find out precisely what was causing the problem, I made
some vary simple test programs that sort of mimic the structure of my
original program: there is, which calls the other
programs,, which just does a simple for-loop, and
-run_program.ado-, which simply tries to run/do/include
(see complete code below). Running causes error r(9611)
just like my original program, but it does not have the problem with
modifying the loop variable in the loop (which is a problem for other
reasons anyway, though, so thanks for catching it).

What I have concluded from my tests is that the error is thrown when
an ADO-file -INCLUDE-s a do-file with a loop (any kind, foreach,
forvalues, or while). The error is thrown at the moment the loop in
the DO-file starts. Note that including the loop itself in the
ADO-file doesn't cause an error, nor does -run-ing or -do-ing the
DO-file with the loop. Indeed, I have developed a work-around for my
original problem by simply copying the code I was trying to -include-
and pasting it in the ado-file itself; so the code in question works
when literally in the ado-file but not when it is in a do-file that is
-include-d in the ado-file.

It seemed fishy how capricious the error was to me, so I tried it on
another Windows machine and on a UNIX machine using Stata IC, both of
which also threw the error.

Thanks for everyone's help again.


* This is the do-file that should actually be executed; it will call
everything else

* Including the loop do-file in a do-file doesn't cause an error
include ""

* Run a custom ado file -- note that the error is thrown without the
second display line (returned...etc.) being displayed
noi: di "About to run program"
noi: di "Returned from program"


* This do-file just does a simple loop (this is a forvalues loop, but
I've tried it with while and foreach loops and found the same problem)
* This program runs a loop to see if it will work
noi: di "Starting test loop..."
forvalues x=1/10 {
	di "x: `x'"
noi: di "Exiting test loop..."


* run_program.ado
* This is an ado-file that, first, executes a loop with no problem,
* Then, runs/does, again with no problem
* Then, tries to -include-, which throws an error

program define run_program
noi: di "{res}In run_program"

* Running a regular loop in the ado-file poses no problems
forvalues x=1/10 {
	noi: di "{txt}in run_program.ado: `i' x: `x'"

* And, I can -run- or -do- the do-file with no problem either
noi: di "{txt}running test_loop"
run ""
noi: di "{txt}test_loop ran successfully"

noi: di "{txt}doing test_loop"
do ""
noi: di "{txt}did test_loop successfully

* But -INCLUDE-ing it causes error r(9611)
noi: di "{txt}About to -include- test_loop"
include ""


On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 9:23 AM, William Gould, StataCorp LP
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Brian Karfunkel <[email protected]> reports, "I'm getting a weird error,
> -r(9611)-, when I run my program."  Brian quoted about 50 lines of code.
> I beleive I have uncovered the problem.  In Code Block 1, Brian has
> the following
>        foreach var of varlist `model_varlist' {
>                ...
>                if (...) {
>                        local model_varlist "`model_varlist' ..."
>                }
>        }
> To wit, Brian changes the contents of the macro controlling the
> loop, `model_varlist', in the body of the loop.
> That is not allowed.  It is not allowed in any of the syntactical
> variants of -foreach-, including -foreach ... of varlist-,
> -foreach ... of local-, ..., or -foreach ... in-.  It is not allowed
> for speed-of-execution reasons.
> One way to code what Michael wants to do is
>        local i = 1
>        local var : word `i' of `model_varlist'
>        while ("`var'"!="") {
>                ...
>                if (...) {
>                        local model_varlist "`model_varlist' ..."
>                }
>                local var : word `++i' of `model_varlist'
>        }
> By the way, another way of coding
>                local var : word `++i' of `model_varlist'
> is
>                local i = `i' + 1
>                local var : word `i' of `model_varlist'
> -- Bill
> [email protected]
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Brian Karfunkel
Research Fellow

Stanford Law School
Crown Quadrangle
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, California 94305

+1.650.721.5694 (office) | +1.978.886.1607 (mobile)
[email protected]
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