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Re: st: hw advice wanted

From   Neil Shephard <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: hw advice wanted
Date   Fri, 17 Oct 2008 09:34:48 +0100

Jeph Herrin wrote:
> OpenOffice is very good, but I found when collaborating with others,
> especially on Word documents, that the review features didn't translate
> well; that may be improved in recent versions.
Agreed.  This is a consequence of working with a closed proprietry
format such as .doc.

The situation may improve with M$'s adoption of the OpenDocument Format
(the native OpenOffice format) or full openness about their native
Office Open XML format.

Personally the revision tracking is a feature I abhor.  It makes it
exceptionally hard to read documents and I've always found saving
different versions prefereable as it provides evidence that the 15
changes that have been made by co-authors have resulted in the document
reverting to what I'd originally written!

> I lived with VMWare for a year, but felt like I had to maintain
> two OSes on one machine, and performance was slow.
I've heard virtualisation can be slow, but have never used it myself. 
Thought it was worth mentioning though.


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