Martin's advice looks good.
But Anupit's question doesn't hang together for me. The specific example, and even longer ones of the same form, don't strike me as -reshape- questions at all as they involve creating new data in structured form.
By the way, for large datasets make sure to use -egen long- or -egen double- if you need to.
But if you had a -reshape- question, strict sense, I doubt you could speed things up much by programming it yourself with -forvalues- or -foreach-. That would, broadly speaking, mean that you were a better Stata programmer than the Stata developers. There could well be exceptions, but I'd guess that this statement would be true much more often than its converse.
[email protected]
Martin Weiss
- h egen,seq()-
Supnithadnaporn, Anupit
Would you please suggest me how to create data in the long form
by *not* using reshape? I would like to avoid reshape because reshape
takes very very long time. In fact, the final & total number of records
that I have to create would be around 12,000,000.
I think foreach and forvalues can do this work.
But, I am a novice in Stata programming and could not figure out so far.
In the beginning, I have only Obsid which is created by
gen Obsid = _n
The desired data would look like this:
Obsid Vid Imp
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 1 3
4 1 4
5 2 1
6 2 2
7 2 3
8 2 4
100 25 4
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