Maybe I am wrong, but wouldn't it be easier, if you are interested in
those mean values, to do the following:
let x be an index of your observations
MEAN_ax = (ax * b1 - c1 + ax * b2 - c2 + ... ax * bN - cN) / N
MEAN_ax = [ax * (b1+b2+b3+...+bN) - c1+c2+c3+...cN)] / N
That reduces to, borrowing from Martin's code and adding some lines - the
sysuse auto, clear
*get the levels of mpg (a in your xmpl)
levelsof mpg, loc(levels)
*loop through them, create new vars along the way
*price takes place of b in your code, headroom is c
foreach lev of loc levels{
g result`lev'=`lev'*price- headroom
*get the means from -summarize-
su result*
/* new code */
egen f = total(price)
egen g = total(headroom)
egen fg = count(f)
gen testresult = (mpg*f-g)/fg
tab testresult
- of course, that could be written more elegant...
Best regards,
Johannes Geyer
Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin)
German Institute for Economic Research
Department of Public Economics
DIW Berlin
Mohrenstraße 58
10117 Berlin
Tel: +49-30-89789-258 schrieb am 14/10/2008 13:49:38:
> I think it should be
> levelsof ICER_round, loc(levels)
> foreach lev of local levels {
> generate result`lev' = `lev' * Delta_Q - Delta_C
> }
> However, are you really sure you want to generate 10000 variables?
> Furthermore, should -levelsof- hits Stata's limits you could type
> mata: st_local("levels",
> mm_invtokens(strofreal(uniqrows(st_data(.,"ICER_round"))')))
> assuming that ICER_round is a numeric variable (-mormata- required,
> type -ssc describe moremata-).
> ben
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 1:24 PM, Martin Weiss <>
> > "levelsof may hit the limits imposed by your Stata. However, it is
> > typically used when the number of distinct values of varname is
> > (from -h levelsof-). I should have anticipated this problem. Are the
> > of your "a" in any way regularly spaced (to enable application of
> > -forvalues-)?
> >
> >
> > HTH
> > Martin
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
> > [] On Behalf Of Carlo
> > Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 12:44 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: st: how to work around -levelsof- limits with Stata 9.2/SE?
> >
> >
> > Dear Statalisters,
> > I have performed successfully Martin's helpful syntax using -levelsof-
on a
> > sample of 20 distinct values for var a.
> > However, when I tried to repeat the loop for the total 10,000 levels
of var
> > a I got an error message(admittedly, the recommended limit for
-levelsof- is
> > a modest number of distinct values for varlist, so I cannot complain
> > this useful ado.file). Is there any way to work this around?
> >
> > Please find below the command lines I typed along with the error
message I
> > got at the end of the sequence:
> >
> > . levelsof ICER_round, loc(levels) *around 10,000 levels are still
> > reported after rounding to the nearest whole number
> > . foreach lev of local levels {
> > 2. g result`lev'=` ICER_round'* Delta_Q- Delta_C
> > 3. }
> > invalid syntax
> > r(198);
> >
> > Thanks a lot for your kindness and for your time.
> >
> > Kind Regards,
> >
> > Carlo
> >
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