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st: Curious missing scalar after regress postestimation

From   "Patrick P. Phillips" <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Curious missing scalar after regress postestimation
Date   Tue, 14 Oct 2008 09:44:20 +0100

I am running some simulations including a regress command and have come across some curiosities with scalars.

I run the following commands:

    regress beta alpha [aweight=prec], nocons vce(cluster trial)

    scalar var_alpha = _se[alpha]
    scalar est_alpha = _coef[alpha]
    scalar r_sqrd = e(r2)

When I type scalar list, I get the following:

. scalar list
    r_sqrd =  .09759686
 est_alpha =  .42516408
 var_alpha =  .48875057

But, when I try to display the contents of scalar var_alpha, it appears to only contain '.':

. disp var_alpha

Any thoughts on why this is? It's driving me mad!

Many thanks for your help,



Patrick Phillips
MRC Clinical Trials Unit
222 Euston Road
London NW1 2DA

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