Dear all,
I want to conduct some fairly standard Hausman tests (for various specifications) after -xtreg- testing whether a random effects model is appropriate as opposed to fixed effects.
When the program should perform the first of these tests this results in an error message:
hausman cannot be used with clustered or p-weighted data
I do not understand this. I've neither data with weights nor is a cluster option involved anywhere. (Additionally, the data aren't based on a survey and I have not used any command to instruct Stata to treat them in such a way.)
The regression commands include the "robust" option in both regression models (i. e. xtreg[...], fe and xtreg[...], re). Interestingly, the Hausman test is performed when I do NOT use this option.
Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks for help!
P. S.: The code:
foreach refnorm in "external" "leadership" {;
foreach realvar in "gdp_fc" "absd_unr_fc" {;
foreach model in "fe" "re" {;
qui xtreg wagegrowth `refnorm' infl_fc_pm_v2 `realvar_fc' d_1990s d_2000s `reg_sample', robust `model';
estimates store est_`refnorm'_`realvar'_`model';
hausman est_`refnorm'_`realvar'_fe est_`refnorm'_`realvar'_re;
Alfred Stiglbauer
Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB)
Abteilung fuer volkswirtschaftliche Analysen - Economic Analysis Division
Otto-Wagner-Platz 3, A-1090 Wien, A u s t r i a
Phone +43 (0)1 40420, ext. 7435
Mobile +43 (0)664 8580706
Fax +43 (0)1 40420, ext. 7499
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