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Re: Res: st: xtlogit with cluster
It doesn't look like there is a way through -xtlogit-. However -
stcox- is survey enabled and accepts clustering. The -exactp- option
for handling ties is equivalent to doing conditional logistic
regression at each time point. With some creativity, you might be
able to -stset- your data to do something close to -xtlogit-. (Note
that -exactp- can be very slow.)
Some thoughts about this:
• I don't know if this will work!
• Standardize your times so that they are small integers: e.g. 1971 =
1, 1972-2.
• Create a fake starting point, one time unit earlier than the
earliest time for each panel. This is needed so that all times with
real data will be >0 For example, if 1971 is the earliest time point
for a panel, add a fake first record with 1970 as the time. You could
do this by expanding the earliest observation to two, then
arbitrarily setting one of the records to 1970. Append the rest of
the panel data, if any. Then after subtracting 1970 from each year
for that person, you would have data 0, 1, .... The 0 will be ignored
by -stcox-.
• In -stset-, the -id- options will identify the panel.
• Set -origin- to be earliest (fake) date for the panel.
• Use the -exit(time .)- option so that -stcox- will accept events
after the first one in a panel.
• If there are gaps in the time sequence for a panel, create a
"beginning date" and an "ending date" for each time point. This would
facilitate the use of the -time0- option for handling of gaps. For
example for events in 1972, you might define the beginning of
observation to be 1 Jan 1970 and the end to be 31 Dec 1970.
• Add interactions with time as time-varying covariates.
• The -shared(panelid)- might be able to fit a random effects model.
Good luck!
On Oct 12, 2008, at 1:47 PM, Glauco Peres wrote:
Thanks anyway, guys.
Is it theoretically possible to use the cluster command with
xtlogit? Or am I asking for something weird?
If that is possible, does anyone have a do-file or so?
thanks again.
----- Mensagem original ----
De: Martin Weiss <[email protected]>
Para: [email protected]
Enviadas: Domingo, 12 de Outubro de 2008 7:11:39
Assunto: Re: st: xtlogit with cluster
I think that is not true, either. If the -bootstrap- vce for -xtlogit-
allowed -cluster-ing, highlighting the -bootstrap- vce in the
dialog box
should bring up a drop-down for the -cluster- variable, just as it
does in,
for instance, -db xtreg-. When I
. webuse union, clear
(NLS Women 14-24 in 1968)
. xtlogit union age grade not_smsa south southXt, fe vce(bootstrap,
option cluster() not allowed
. xtlogit union age grade not_smsa south southXt, re vce(bootstrap,
option cluster() not allowed
it does not allow me to cluster, even with the -bootstrap-.
Otherwise one
could easily circumvent any restriction on the analytic se with
the -bootstrap-...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven Samuels" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2008 5:09 AM
Subject: Re: st: xtlogit with cluster
Good point, Martin. The manual for -xtlogit- does say that the only
allowed -vce- options are oim, bootstrap, and jackknife. However,
according to the help for vce_options (link to -help
bootstrap_options- -help jackknife_options-, Glauco apparently
can add
the cluster option to the jackknife or bootstrap specification,
"vce(jackknife, cluster(varname))".
On Oct 11, 2008, at 6:01 PM, Martin Weiss wrote:
What is the answer to Glauco`s question then? The -help- file you
mention says: " Not all the options documented below work with
all xt
estimation commands". -h xtlogit- certainly does not mention a -
option for the se. It does link to -help vce_option- but only
some of the choices mentioned there. -cluster- does not seem to
be one
of them...
----- Original Message ----- From: "Steven Samuels"
<[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2008 11:53 PM
Subject: Re: st: xtlogit with cluster
-help xt_vce_options- has the answer. I found this from -help
On Oct 11, 2008, at 3:45 PM, Glauco Peres wrote:
Dear STATAlista,
How do I run a xtlogit and add cluster command [vce(cluster)] in
order to correct the standard errors?
Thanks a lot,
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