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st: RE: Generating an ID

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Generating an ID
Date   Fri, 10 Oct 2008 19:18:07 +0100

You can get first and second names alphabetically like this: 

gen first = cond(name < twinname, name, twinname) 

Then sort on -first-. Here < records inequality in alphanumeric order. 

Thus "Helena Harris" < "Joanne Moore" and in both cases, -first- will be
returned as "Helena Harris". This can be a twin id, or you can map that
to integers using -egen, group()-. 

This method is not robust to any leading or trailing spaces (use
-trim()- if any are present) or differences in spelling, but neither is
any other automated method. 

[email protected] 

Maria Garden

I have the following problem: I have data where people had been asked
to provide their name and the name of their twin.

I would like to generate an identifier for each twin pair. How can I
do that without really search for each name? I have a couple of
hundred people.

My data looks like this:

name / Twin name / TwinID
Helena Harris / Joanne Moore / 1
Kevin Dedman / Tom Dedman / 2
Freya Lamb / Sandra Scott / 3

Sandra Scott / Freya Lamb / 3
Tom Dedman / Kevin Dedman / 2
Joanne Moore / Helena Harris / 1

How can I generate the variable TwinID? Can anyone help?

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