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st: Re: outreg, outreg2, and the thread-jacking

From   Roy Wada <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Re: outreg, outreg2, and the thread-jacking
Date   Tue, 7 Oct 2008 11:27:56 -0700

>If the avenue to the solution involved the number 2 on 
>-ssc hot- and not the clear number one, that is because 
>a user of the number two (me, that is) bothered to reply. 
>But hey, a little competition keeps everybody on their toes, 

This explains many things. Martin apparently thinks there is 
some kind of competition going on.

I sometimes wish Kit Baum did not publicize the SSC ranking. 
While I understand the need for it, it attracts people who care 
such things. This is one of the funny things about social interactions 
that makes you constantly affected by things you don't care about 
because of the people who do.

If I wanted to "compete" with a program, I would not have done 
it the way I did. The logical thing would have been to hijack as many 
threads about -outreg- as possible, establish a website for it, present 
it at Stata conferences on the both sides of the Atlantic, put it into the 
Stata Journal (twice), write complementary programs that increase 
the demand for the first one, and duplicate other people's ideas and 
efforts and present them as one's own, because, by golly, the need 
to get on the top of the ranking is overwhelming.

I wrote -outreg2- as a public service and an experiment in 
programming. I don't think John cared about the ranking, 
either (since there wasn't one). Some people don't understand 
this, and this makes me sad.


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