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RE: st: RE: Nonparametric test

From   "Verkuilen, Jay" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: RE: Nonparametric test
Date   Tue, 7 Oct 2008 14:03:24 -0400

David Airey wrote:

>If you have a table of two categorical variables (e.g., country and  
>income group) and you can make a table of frequencies of each country  
>and income group combination, a chi-square statistic is one way to ask

>if there is an association between the two variables. 

I agree, it sounds like a two-way table of income group by country:
-tabulate-, with the desire being to count the number of individuals in
each income group. Ultimately I would guess the objective is to compare
the profiles of each country. The word "paired test" just makes no sense
to me in this context, but I could be confused. 

It is a  
>nonparametric test.

I guess. I'm always uncomfortable with "nonparametric" because a lot
(most? all?) of nonparametric procedures are estimating *some*


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