Dear Stata users,
I wonder if you could point me out on readings and on the main issues when trying to pool two or three independent cross-sectional surveys. N is large and T is small. The data is not panel in the sense that I do not observe the same individuals in the three surveys but they are representative at the provincial and urban/rural areas.
I am trying to see if I can model something like this:
Yidt= a + b Xidt + c Zt + dPidt + u
where Xit are characteristics that might varied over time for each individual. Z is specific time for all individuals. P is dummy for individuals treated in region d and time t.
I have been reading the Wooldrige on cross-sectional and panel data but would like to know if you know of any other sources or have in mind any applied examples and/or econometric problems you may encounter.
Gaby Guerrero Serdan
Deparment of Economics
Royal Holloway, University of London
Egham, Surrey
England, UK
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