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st: outreg, outreg2, and the thread-jacking

From   Roy Wada <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: outreg, outreg2, and the thread-jacking
Date   Mon, 6 Oct 2008 10:23:20 -0700

Dear People,

Thread-jacking is taking over a thread by taking a part of
the thread and twisting around to the thread-jacker's own
topic, thereby hijacking the original intent of the post.
People starts responding to the new, hijacked content.

A small number of people has been a habitual offender.
Most recently Martin Weiss has done it several times.

I could return the favor by hijacking the threads related to
Martin's purposes, but it would quickly become old, ugly,
and tiresome. Surrogates and fake postings become involved.
We are halfway there.

In my view, this is highly undesirable for everyone involved,
including every subscriber to the Statalist who would be
sujected to them.

Before that happens, I suggest everyone follow my example,
which is to refrain from interjecting into other people's
program unless it directly pertains to that particular program.


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