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Re: st: OLS regression in STATA - missings
In principle, what you are asking Stata to do is not impossible
webuse nlswork, clear
generate age2 = age^2
generate ttl_exp2 = ttl_exp^2
generate tenure2 = tenure^2
generate byte black = race==2
xtset idcode
levelsof(year), loc(levyear)
foreach lev of loc levyear{
reg ln_w grade age* ttl_exp* tenure* black not_smsa south if year<=`lev',
robust cluster( birth_yr)
We do not customarily question your intentions on the list, but why do you
want this kind of regression? Why not use -xtreg- (which supplied the
example above)?
BTW, the fact that the -reg- command runs w/o a hitch in the absence of
the -if- qualifier suggests to me that you have not -destring-ed your years?
Let me guess: you imported them from somewhere and forgot to make them
amenable for Stata...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bastian Steingros" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: st: OLS regression in STATA - missings
Dear Joao Lima
tsset etc. have already been done.
The point is, that regressions without *year<=`i'* run without any
problems. That is:
reg dep_var indep var..., robust cluster (firms)
(I think this case is named pooled cross sectional regression or
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Sun, 5 Oct 2008 09:36:00 -0300
Von: "Joao Ricardo F. Lima" <[email protected]>
An: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: st: OLS regression in STATA - missings
Dear Bastian,
is this a time series? What is the range? Do you tsset the data?
Before use the looping, you need to see if the command run. This
command run?
reg dependent_var indep_var1 indep_var2 if Observation_Year <= 1977,
robust cluster (firms)
If your first observation in the database is 1977, you are trying to
run an ols with only one observation, with degree of freedom.
I think you need to provide us more information.
Hope this helps,
Joao Lima
2008/10/5 <[email protected]>:
> Dear Stata users ,
> I am using this command to run a OLS regression:
> forvalues i=1977/2007 {
> reg dependent_var indep_var1 indep_var2 if Observation_Year <= `i',
robust cluster (firms)
> }
> However, STATA displays in this case "no observations" and it is not
possible to run the regression.
> For instance, in 1980, I have observations of the second independent
variable and the dependent variable only, but I thought that STATA would
ignore this year and continue the regression in 1981 instead. Obviously,
it is
not the case!
> So what should I do about this problem ? Any ideas???
> Thank you very much !
> Bastian S
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Joao Ricardo Lima
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