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st: Re: Identify Categorical/Dichotomous and Continuous Variables

From   "Martin Weiss" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Re: Identify Categorical/Dichotomous and Continuous Variables
Date   Sun, 5 Oct 2008 15:07:32 +0200

Well, there seems to be no clear-cut distinction between cat. and cont. variables in Stata. If you

sysuse auto, clear

you see the storage type in the second column of the output.

----- Original Message ----- From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2008 2:52 PM
Subject: st: Identify Categorical/Dichotomous and Continuous Variables

Hi All,

I am new to Stata: moved from SPSS a week ago. I am hoping that someone can help me with what I imagine is a simple issue. I saved an SPSS file as a Stata one. I am
working my way through the user guide and the data management manual, but I am having difficulty with confirming whether Stata recognizes variables as continuous
(or scale) or categorical/dichotomous (or nominal). In SPSS, you can easily identify whether the type of measure is a scale, nominal, or string with its drop down menu in
the variable view. It would be a great help, and I would appreciate it very much if someone would tell me the method to confirm the data type for
categorical/dichotomous and for continuous variables? Thank you.

Best regards,

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