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FAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Replacing missing
2/03 How can I replace missing values with previous or
following nonmissing values?
[email protected]
Silke Rottenberg
I don't have much experience with stata: I merged two datasets using
"date". The problem is that in using date there is only one observation
per year (sales at the end of the business year, i.e. 02/1990 sales were
3000 units for the 12 months before; in 02/1992 1500 units for the 12
months before) while master data have monthly observations (for other
Now I want to do the following: within one company name, the value for
sales should be propagated to the following 11months if there is a
-missing(sales)- It should if there is already another value for sales
within the following 11 months.
My data look like the following:
"date" "name" "sales"
01/1990 - -
02/1990 A 3000
03/1990 - -
04/1990 - -
11/1990 - -
12/1990 - -
01/1991 - -
02/1992 A 1500
03/1992 - -
31/2006 - -
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