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Re: st: Re: limiting observations within a program
Thanks Martin. This is my program. It first estimates probability of
receiving treatment (called "tcm"), and then weights the data for
-stcox-. There was one observation in which the weight was missing,
I'm attempting to include a line in my program to drop that one
capture program drop msmcox_stageALL_includeIPTWd
program define msmcox_stageALL_includeIPTWd, rclass
tempname p_tcm_ALL p_notcm_ALL p_ALL
p_noALL wt_stab_ALL
* fit the full model used in Traditional Cox
logit tcm dxage sex celltype txsurg txrad txchemo
*estimate probability of treatment
predict `p_tcm_ALL'
gen `p_notcm_ALL' = 1-`p_tcm_ALL' if tcm==0 //want p(tcm)
for both users and nonusers
replace `p_tcm_ALL' =`p_notcm_ALL' if tcm==0
*create stabilized weight==P(A)/P(A|W)
logit tcm
predict `p_ALL'
gen `p_noALL' = 1-`p_ALL' if tcm==0
replace `p_ALL' = `p_noALL' if tcm==0
gen `wt_stab_ALL' = `p_ALL'/`p_tcm_ALL'
* stset the data
stset lastcontact [`iweight=wt_stab_ALL'], failure(failed)
origin(datedx) scale(30.4375) /*wt: stabilized IPTW*/
* cox
stcox tcm if `wt_stab_ALL'!=.
indeplist, local
foreach var of varlist `X' {
return scalar `var' = exp(_b[`var'])
set seed 12358
eststo MSM_t_I: bootstrap tcm=r(tcm), eform reps(10):
That is too little info. How does `var1' come into existence? A
-bootstrap- would cycle through the -program- several times, so that
is an important issue. Also -set trace on- and let us know the
----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael McCulloch" <[email protected]>
To: "Statalist" <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 1:10 AM
Subject: st: limiting observations within a program
I've written a short program which estimates a probability of
censoring, and have a question. The program works as written, but
if I add the following line:
drop if `var1'==.
the program returns error message:
"varlist required an error occurred when bootstrap executed program1
Any assistance would be appreciated!
Best wishes,
Michael McCulloch
Pine Street Foundation
124 Pine St., San Anselmo, CA 94960-2674
Tel: (415) 407-1357
Fax: (415) 485-1065
[email protected]
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