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st: do file script from text wrangler

From   Nirali Shah <>
To   <>
Subject   st: do file script from text wrangler
Date   Thu, 2 Oct 2008 15:14:45 -0400


I recently downloaded the stata scripts from Dataninja. One of these scripts allows you to send your do file straight to stata. However, it appears that it also automatically changes the path directory to the path directory of the do file. Since I keep my do files and data files in different folders, every time I try and run a do file from Text Wrangler, Stata tells me that the data files are not found.

Aside from inserting a change directory line into each of my do files, is there a way I can change the script? I don't know anything about scripting language - what would I have to look for or write?

Thank you,
Nirali Shah
PhD Candidate, International Health, Health Systems Division
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Johns Hopkins University

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