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Re: st: Test for trend in surveys
There is, to my knowledge, no such thing as test for trend of type
Pearson chi-squared. I suspect that �ngel is referring to the
Cochran-Armitage test one degree-of-freedom chi square test for trend
(A. Agresti, 2002, Categorical Data Analysis, 2nd Ed. Wiley Books,
Section 5.3.5).
Let Y be the 0-1 binary outcome variable and X be the variable which
contains category scores. One survey-enabled approach is Phil's
suggestion: use -svy: logit-.
However -svy: reg- will produce a result closer to that of the
Cochran-Armitage test. Why? The Cochran-Armitage test statistic is
formally equivalent to an O.L.S. regression of Y on X, with a
standard error for beta which substitutes the total variance for the
residual variance. The statistic is (beta/se)^2. The total variance
is equal to P(1-P), where P is the overall sample proportion. In
other words, the standard error is computed under the null hypothesis
of equal proportions.
The -svy: reg- command will estimate the same regression coefficient,
but with a standard error that is robust to heterogeneity in
proportions. In both survey-enabled commands, t = (b/se) has a t
distribution with degrees of freedom (d.f.) based on the survey
design; t^2 has an F(1, d.f.) distribution.
On Sep 30, 2008, at 6:39 AM, Philip Ryan wrote:
Well, the z statistic testing the coefficient on the exposure
variable is as
valid and as useful a summary (test) statistic as the chi-square
produced by a test of trend in tables. If you prefer chi-squares,
you could
just square the z statistic to get the chi-square on 1 df. And if
you prefer
likelihood ratio chi-squares to the Wald z (or Wald chi-square)
then the
modelling approach can deliver that also.
Quoting �ngel Rodr�guez Laso <[email protected]>:
Thanks to Philip and Neil for their advice.
Philip's proposal is absolutely compatible with survey data, but I
interested in a summary statistic of the type of Pearson chi-squared.
To this respect, Neil puts forward a test (nptrend) that would be
perfect if it allowed complex survey specifications. I believe strata
and clusters are not important because the formula for the standard
error of this nonparametric test (see Stata Reference Manual K-Q page
338) should not be affected by these specifications. But nptrend does
not accept weights as an option, what I think makes it unsuitable for
complex survey analyses.
Angel Rodriguez Laso
2008/9/29 Philip Ryan <[email protected]>:
For a 2 x k table [with a k-category "exposure" variable] just set
up a
dose-response model:
svyset <whatever>
svy: logistic <binary outcome var> <exposure var>
and check the coefficient of <exposure var>, along with its
and P-value.
If you prefer a risk metric rather than odds, then use svy:
glm..... with
appropriate link and error specifications.
Quoting �ngel Rodr�guez Laso <[email protected]>:
Dear Statalisters,
Is there a way to carry out a test for trend in a two-way table in
survey analysis in Stata?
Many thanks.
Angel Rodriguez Laso
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