I am running the following in Stata to create a graph with weights:
twoway (scatter popgrowth3 sharebach70 [w=pop], msymbol(none) mlabel(somenames) mlabcolor(black) mlabvposition(pos)) /*
*/ (scatter popgrowth3 sharebach70 [w=pop], mfcolor(none) mlcolor(gs11) mlwidth(vthin)) /*
*/ (lfit popgrowth3 sharebach70 [w=pop] ) if year == 2000, /*
*/ ytitle(MSA Population Growth 1970-2000, size(small)) xtitle(Share of Bachelors 1970, size(small)) ylabel(, labsize(small)) xlabel(, labsize(small)) legend(off)
My main problem is that this journal's editor wants all graphs to be monochromatic and very simple, with no gray backgrounds, etc. I want to include this graph in MS Word and when I copy it like this, it gives me a gray area around the graph (outside of the axes). How do I change this to be all white?
Also, when I try to change the scheme so that it's monochromatic, my weights become squares instead of circles. Do you guys know what the problem is there?
Thank you.
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