I suppose GLS clustered by firms may help most. However, please read Petersen, 2006. Estimating Standard Errors in Finance Panel Data Sets: Comparing Approaches, Working paper.
P.S. I'll NOT receive/read any email but the Digest.
At 02.33 20/09/2008 -0400, "Steven Proud" wrote:
>Dear all,
>I was wondering if anyone could help me.
>I am trying to estimate a model in a panel, with time t and cross sectional
>variable s
>where e(st)=p*e(st-1)+a(st)
>where u(st) and a(st) are random error terms, and e(st) is a persistent
>error of AR(1)
>and F(s) is some underlying fixed effect.
>Obviously if there wasn't a persistent term, then it would be easy to
>estimate as simply a fixed effect model, and similarly, if there wasn't a
>random shock term, I could simply estimate it using xtregar. However, I'm
>slightly confused as to how to go about estimating it as it is. I
>considered mixed models, but couldn't see how I could use these to estimate
>the model.
>Any help would be very gratefully received.
>Thanks in advance,
>Steven Proud
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