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st: gravity model with country and products fixed effects
Dear all,
I am trying to estimate a gravity model for my phd thesis where my
dependent variable is the import (M) of country j from country i of
product hs6 (6-digit harmonized system) at time t:
I have around 70 importers and 48 exporters, with exports ranging up to
5,000 products. Time period is 1995-2005.
Beyond the difficulties of handling with such big dataset, the first
issue I'm dealing with regards the identifier for my panel. I believe
there is wide eterogeneity both at the product level and at the country
level but, as far as I know, I have to choose only one id. In case I
identify my panel with either the country-couple (i j) or the products
(hs6) I incur in "repeated time values within panel" error. I wonder
whether it is appropriate to combine country and product effects (egen
panel=group(i j hs6)).
The second question regards the most appropriate method to be adopted. I
think that fixed effects would be proper given the presence of so many
sources of unobservables. However, among my covariates, I have some time
invarying standard-gravity-variables (distance-common language, land
lockeness). Should I employ a pooled estimation or is it better a
two-stages least squares (e.g. Hausman-Taylor) or, still, dynamic panel
Any suggestion is more than welcome, pls let me know if you need more
Best regards,
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