My apologies for the truncated email.
On my machine, -which ivreg28- reports
*! ivreg28 2.1.22 6July2007
Check that Stata finds the version in your newly designated PLUS
directory, and try out -predict-. Everything should work fine at this
2008/9/25 Eva Poen <>:
> Branko,
> If everything else fails I can do that. But try Richard's suggestion
> sysdir set PLUS <directory>
> and choose a path for <directory> that you can write to. It can be a
> personal network drive if that's convenient.
> Try
> ssc install ivreg28
> after setting the directory. The do
> which ivreg28
> to find out which file Stata knows about, and where it is. For me, it reports
> 2008/9/24 <>:
>> Thanks a lot, Eva. This is very helpful. (I thought I had an updated version of
>> ivreg28. (I am using Stata 8.2)).
>> But could I ask you for a favor. I cannot download ivreg2 or anything because my
>> admninistator controls C drive (and that's where, as you know, stata
>> automatically writes its programs). So would you mind emailing me your copy of
>> ivreg28 file.
>> thanks a lot.
>> branko
>> Between mid-June and mid-August, 2008 I will be reading my Email daily but will
>> not have access to my data and
>> papers; so do not expect much in these two areas!
>> Development Research, World Bank
>> Email: or branko_mi@yahoo.
>> tel: 202-473-6968
>> World Bank, Room MC 3-559
>> 1818 H Street NW
>> Washington D.C. 20433
>> For "Worlds Apart" see
>> Website:
>> For papers see also:
>> "Eva Poen"
>> <
>> > To
>> Sent by:
>> owner-statalist@hsp cc
>> Subject
>> Re: st: predict in ivreg28
>> 09/24/2008 05:44 PM
>> Please respond to
>> statalist@hsphsun2.
>> Branko,
>> -ivreg28_p- is distributed alongside -ivreg28-, so maybe it's worth
>> checking if your installation of -ivreg28- is complete and up-to-date.
>> ssc install ivreg28
>> will tell you if your files are out of date. I just tried it out under
>> version control from Stata 9.2, and I can use -predict- after
>> -ivreg28- without any problems.
>> In case you have access to Stata 9 or later, you can also check out
>> -ivreg2- from the same author.
>> HTH,
>> Eva
>> 9/24 <>:
>>> when i try to do predict in ivreg28 (obviously after running ivreg28) i get
>> the
>>> following reply:
>>> unrecognized command: ivreg28_p
>>> it seems to me that in the past i have been able to run it. any idea what
>> might
>>> have happened?
>>> btw., predict with other regressions (like xtreg etc) works fine
>>> thanks a lot.
>>> branko
>>> Between mid-June and mid-August, 2008 I will be reading my Email daily but
>> will
>>> not have access to my data and
>>> papers; so do not expect much in these two areas!
>>> Development Research, World Bank
>>> Email: or branko_mi@yahoo.
>>> tel: 202-473-6968
>>> World Bank, Room MC 3-559
>>> 1818 H Street NW
>>> Washington D.C. 20433
>>> For "Worlds Apart" see
>>> Website:
>>> For papers see also:
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