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Re: st: Apple Script to Comment Lines in Text Wranger/BBEdit
Thank you kindly Steve!
1. Correction: I should well know that John did not write the
scripts for submitting Stata commands--their author is Ben Hulley.
See: http://dataninja.wordpress.com/2006/08/18/stata-scripts/
2. Michael: to get started with AppleScript, search for
"applescript" in the Mac Help. To try a script from John's site,
download and save it to the desktop. Double-click to open & look
at it (see advice on John's site--you may have to choose your editor
(BBEdit or TW) from a list). If you have a do file open, you can try
the script by pushing the Run button.
In BBEdit or TW,, open the Script Folder (Scripts Menu), and move
the script there. In the BBEdit Window Menu, find the Palattes
SubMenu and the Scripts item. There all the scripts in the Scripts
Folder will be listed. Assign a menu key combination to each and go.
You use the scripts when a do-file is open in BBEdit or TW.
BBEdit Scripts folder, and assign a menu key combination.
On Sep 23, 2008, at 10:41 PM, Steven Samuels wrote:
hanks for the reference, Dave. Dataninja is John Gardner. I
hadn't looked at the John's site for quite awhile, but your post
prompted another visit.
There I discovered scripts that do exactly what mine does, only
much faster. They are the GenericComment and GenericUncomment
These script work out of the box not only with do-files, but also
with R command files and LaTex files. It's a little embarrassing to
find them for the first time, since I corresponded with John about
using BBEdit with Stata. I use his scripts for submitting Stata
commands (the URL in your post) and use his module for syntax
coloring of do-files
The Dataninja site is well worth a visit.
On Sep 23, 2008, at 9:16 PM, David Airey wrote:
Also see the scripts for the purpose and platform/app combination at:
On Sep 23, 2008, at 1:25 PM, Steven Samuels wrote:
For Mac users who edit do-files in BBEdit or Text Wrangler, here's a
simple script to comment and uncomment lines in selected text. (Yes,
"uncomment" is in the dictionary). Although the script can be slow, I
find it saves me effort compared to inserting and deleting "/*" and
"*/" before and after a text block. Text Wrangler users, substitute
"Text Wrangler" in the tell statement. To use: open in BBEdit or TW,
zap gremline, insert into Script Editor, save the script into the
BBEdit Scripts folder, and assign a menu key combination.
Add & remove // in Selection
Activate with Menu Key
tell application "BBEdit"
repeat with x in lines of selection of window 1 of text document 1
if exists character 1 of text of x then
set start to character 1 of text of x as text
set start to ""
end if
if start is not "/" then
replace "^" using "// " searching in text of x options {search
replace "^// " using "" searching in text of x options {search
end if
end repeat
end tell
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