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st: Median test & ANOVA with sampling weights

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Median test & ANOVA with sampling weights
Date   Fri, 19 Sep 2008 18:53:51 +0700

Dear all,

I'm using a survey data and wonder how can I perform a comparison between median in the sample and in the population. Medians were separately obtained using -pctile- or -_pctile-. 

. pctile pctGH = o4gh [pw=o1wtarea], nq(4) genp(percent)
. list percent pct in 1/4
     | percent   pctGH |
  1. |      25      50 |
  2. |      50      67 |
  3. |      75      77 |
  4. |       .       .      |

. pctile pctileGH1 = o4gh if dmstat==1 [pw=o1wtarea], nq(4) genp(pctGH1)
. list pctGH1 pctileGH1 in 1/4
     | pctGH1   pctileGH1 |
  1. |    25         40 |
  2. |    50         60 |
  3. |    75         72 |
  4. |     .          .      |

Should I calculate the difference between each value in the sample and population first and carry out a sign test then? If so, how is sampling weight taken into account? (I mean, can I use weighted median in the population to substract each 'unweighted' value?)

Secondly, is it possible to perform one-way ANOVA with sampling weight, particularly for post-hoc comparison? Using svy: regress did not give enough information.

Any help is much appreciated.


Nur Hafidha Hikmayani
School of Medicine & Public Health
The University of Newcastle
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