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Re: st: displaying only one legend with -graph combine-
Thanks Nick & Maarten,
The limitation with -grc1leg- is that it can only choose as its own
meta-title one of the titles from the subgraphs which are being
-graph combine-, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be able to use
only one meta-legend.
The reason I'm seeking a solution is that I'm combining 4 graphs, one
for each cancer stage I-IV, and I want to have the sub-title "Stage
I", "Stage II", and so on, for each sub-graph. However, the legend is
the same for each sub-graph, so I only want to display it once.
-findit grc1leg- will turn up Vince Wiggins' cryptically-named
-grc1leg- program (GRaph Combine 1 LEGend), which does exactly what
you want.
--Nick Winter
Michael McCulloch wrote:
With the following combined graph, built based on suggestions by
Maarten Buis, is it possible to display the legend only once,
instead of twice where it appears under both sub-graphs?
sysuse cancer.dta, clear
stset studytime, failure(died)
sts graph if age < 55, by(drug) title("Young", box bfcolor(white))
saving("young", replace )
sts graph if age >= 55, by(drug) title("Old", box bfcolor(white))
saving("old", replace )
graph combine young.gph old.gph, rows(2) cols(2) iscale(0.5)
title(Survival by Age Group)
Nicholas Winter 434.924.6994 t
Assistant Professor 434.924.3359 f
Department of Politics [email protected] e
University of Virginia faculty.virginia.edu/nwinter w
PO Box 400787, 100 Cabell Hall
Charlottesville, VA 22904
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