First of all, -gentrun- takes us all the way back to -version- 6 -- which need not be a bad thing, but shows that the author has not released a new version since 1999. As far as I can tell, he is not active on the list, either.
On the question, with a truncation from either left or right, the mean of the sample will never be zero, and the standard deviation will be smaller than 1 due to the truncation of at least one of the tails. I would be tempted to use -egen, std()- after the creation of the truncated normal to achieve the desired outcome, but then the truncation points will be shifted, which is probably not what you want...
set obs 10000
cap ssc inst gentrun
gentrun mynewvar, l(-1)
egen float mystdvar = std(mynewvar), mean(0) std(1.5)
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Alexander Kalb
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 5:34 PM
Subject: st: The command "gentrun"
I am using the command "gentrun" to generate random draws form a
truncated standard normal distribution. The command uses the program
program define gentrun
tempvar tem1
tempname mltrn mrtrn
if "`left'" != "" & "`right'" != "" {
if `left' >= `right' {
di in red /*
*/ "The left truncation point cannot be >= the right truncation
exit 198
if "`left'" == ""{
scalar `mltrn' = 0
else {
scalar `mltrn' = normprob(`left')
if "`right'" == ""{
scalar `mrtrn' = 1
else {
scalar `mrtrn' = normprob(`right')
tokenize `varlist'
while "`1'" ~= ""{
quie gen double `tem1' = (`mrtrn'-`mltrn')*uniform() + `mltrn'
`if' `in'
quie gen `typlist' `1' = invnorm(`tem1') `if' `in'
drop `tem1'
mac shift
Now, I have the following question: if I would like to have a random
draw from a truncated normal distribution with zero mean and standard
deviation 1.5 do I just have to replace the line "quie gen `typlist' `1'
= invnorm(`tem1') `if' `in'" of the .ado-file with "quie gen `typlist'
`1' = invnorm(`tem1')*1.5 `if' `in'"?
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