Let me ask my question again.
I have the variables year state cnum candidat.
Year state and candidate have the usual meaning.
cnum is the consituency within a state.
So in one year I may have 5 states and within that I may have 10
constituencies and within those I may have say 4 candidates each.
I want to compute the number of constituencies in each state.
I try to do this by : -
gen noofct=0
bysort year state cnum : count and now I want to store r(N) in noofct
variable. So the noofct variable will have the same value in any one
consituency. This is what I am not able to do.
Can someone tell me how to do this ?
Thank you,
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 1:18 PM, Johannes Geyer <[email protected]> wrote:
> To me it is not clear what you try to achieve. It is easier to help if you
> explain what variables you have and what you are trying to do using Stata,
> in particular describe an error if it occurs.
> I assume you want to count the number of candidates in each state but I
> have no idea what "cnum" and "cname" mean and what "count" is. Is "count"
> a variable? Note that the syntax of the command count is different. And
> remember that "(" ")" parentheses in a by-statement have an important
> meaning: "The varlist1 (varlist2) syntax ... verifies that the data are
> sorted by varlist1 varlist2 and then performs a by as if only varlist1
> were specified."
> Johannes
> [email protected] schrieb am 18/09/2008 09:34:21:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I have a question :
>> I want to do :
>> bysort state cnum cname : replace no_of_cand_in_state=count
>> This does not work. could someone please tell me how do I fix this ?
>> Thank you,
>> Ashim.
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