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Re: st: convertig stci into a output table

From   "Ben Jann" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: convertig stci into a output table
Date   Sat, 13 Sep 2008 22:07:58 +0200

Unfortunately, -stci- does not seem to return its results when used
with the -group()- option. However, here's a quick wrapper that post
the results in e() so that they can be tabulated/exported using
-estout- or -esttab- (type -ssc install estout- to install these

*** ***
capt prog drop mystci
prog mystci, eclass
*! version 1.0.0  13sep2008  Ben Jann
    version 9.2
    syntax [if] [in] [ , by(varname) Median Rmean Emean p(str) * ]
    local stat "p50"
    if `"`p'"'!=""      local stat `"p`p'"'
    else if "`rmean'"!=""  local stat "rmean"
    else if "`emean'"!=""  local stat "emean"
    tempname b V N_sub lb ub
    marksample touse
    if "`by'"!="" {
        qui levelsof `by' if `touse', local(levels)
    else {
        local by     `""total""'
        local levels `""total""'
    gettoken l rest : levels, quotes
    while (`"`l'"'!="") {
        qui stci if `touse' & `by'==`l', `median' `rmean' `emean' `p' `options'
        mat `b' = nullmat(`b'), r(`stat')
        mat `V' = nullmat(`V'), r(se)^2
        mat `N_sub' = nullmat(`N_sub'), r(N_sub)
        mat `lb' = nullmat(`lb'), r(lb)
        mat `ub' = nullmat(`ub'), r(ub)
        gettoken l rest : rest
    foreach m in b V N_sub lb ub {
        mat coln ``m'' = `levels'
    if matmissing(`V') {
        mat `V' = `b'' * `b' * 0  // set V to zero
    else {
        mat `V' = diag(`V')
    eret post `b' `V'
    eret matrix N_sub = `N_sub'
    eret matrix lb = `lb'
    eret matrix ub = `ub'
    eret local cmd "mystci"

webuse page2
estout, cell("N_sub b se lb ub")

stci, by(group)
mystci, by(group)
estout, cell("N_sub b se lb ub")

esttab using test.rtf, cell("N_sub b se lb ub") replace ///
    nogap noobs nonumbers nomtitle
*** end ***

The last command generates a RTF file.


On Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 4:59 PM, moleps islon <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear fellas,
> I use -stci, by(chemo)- and yield the following table
>             |    no. of
> rtchemo      |  subjects         50%     Std. Err.     [95% Conf. Interval]
> -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------
>    no adjuv |        21         .24      .0139149           .1        .34
>    rt alone |        41         .54      .0248576          .39        .65
>    chemothe |         3         .67       .045771          .13          .
>    rt + che |        16         1.3      .0221408          .88       2.02
> Is there an easy way for me to get this into a table rtf formatted ??
> Stata doesnt calculate the upper limit of the chemothe group . Any
> idea why - stata displays the lower boundary?
> Regards,
> *
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