Maarten and Peter [Tony] are both right, but beyond that this may not be
a matter of opinion, but it is a matter of circumstances.
The times for this task compared with others will depend on the precise
characteristics of the dataset(s) being sorted and -- even on a
particular machine and operating system -- on quite what memory is
available, and so on, and so forth.
I'd assert that the most relevant comparison is with -reshape-, -sort-,
-reshape-. Looping over the observations in Stata is not a competitor.
[email protected]
Lachenbruch, Peter
If you set more off, set rmsg on will give the timing you want, unless
I'm missing something.
Maarten buis
--- Ashim Kapoor <[email protected]> wrote:
> Some one emailed and told me that my code is NOT faster. I dont agree
> with him. But if you have an opinion on that please let me know.
This is not a matter of opinions: Try it out and use -timer- to see
which one is faster. see: -help timer-
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