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Re: st: Re: "cond" command

From   "Eva Poen" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Re: "cond" command
Date   Thu, 11 Sep 2008 20:07:19 +0100


that's clearer now. You could of course do -tabulate pension jub-, and
the same for the other variables, but then it wouldn't be in one
table. Will the number of ones and the total number of observations be
enough? In this case,

tabstat jub inv sob, by(pension) stats(sum count)

will do. If you want the table as you drew it, here is one way to do this.

** generate some test data
set obs 100
gen pension = mod(_n,3)
gen jub = uniform()>0.4
gen inv = uniform()>0.5
gen sob = uniform()>0.6

collapse jub inv sob (count) count=jub, by(pension)
foreach x of varlist jub inv sob {
	gen `x'_1 = round(count*`x',1)
	gen `x'_0 = count -count*`x'

list pension  jub_1 jub_0 inv_1 inv_0 sob_1 sob_0 count

Here is another way, using the same test data:

sort pension
foreach x in jub inv sob {
	by pension: gen `x'_1 = sum(`x'==1)
	by pension: gen	 `x'_0 = sum(`x'==0)
	by pension: replace `x'_1 = `x'_1[_N]
	by pension: replace `x'_0 = `x'_0[_N]

tabstat jub_1 jub_0 inv_1 inv_0 sob_1 sob_0, by(pension)

Hope this helps,

2008/9/11 Leonor Saravia <[email protected]>:
> Eva and Nick,
> I really appreciate your help!
> What I need to do is this:
> I have three variables: jub = (1, 0) ; inv = (1,0) ; sob = (1,0)
> and I need to look the number of observations that satisfy each
> condition, ei, I need to know how many persons "have" jub == 1 or jub
> == 0; how many have inv == 1 or inv == 0 and how many hve sob == 1 or
> sob == 0.
> So, that�s why I thought that I could generate another variable
> (pension = jub + inv + sob) which might be useful to order the
> obervations.
> The kind of table I�d like to construct is something like this (that�s
> why I thought that using the 'cond' function was right):
> pension   |    jub                  |         inv           |
>  sob        |
>              |    if == 1 |  if == 0|  if == 1 |  if == 0|  if == 1 |
>  if == 0|
> 1             |    N 1     |    N0   |   n1     |   n0     |   x1
> |  x0      |
> 2             |    N 1     |    N0   |   n1     |   n0     |   x1
> |  x0      |
> 3             |    N 1     |    N0   |   n1     |   n0     |   x1
> |  x0      |
> 0             |    N 1     |    N0   |   n1     |   n0     |   x1
> |  x0      |
> Thank you very much for your time and your help! :)
> Leonor
> 2008/9/11, Leonor Saravia <[email protected]>:
>> Hello Statalisters,
>> I'm trying to tabulate some information, but I�m having problems doing
>> it, so I�d appreciate if you could see it and tell me what's what I�m
>> doing wrong.
>> What I did, was:
>> gen col = cond(pension == 1,               ///
>>               cond(jub == 1, 1, 2))
>> label define col  1 "pension, jub"               ///
>>                        2 "pension, Sobrevivencia"     ///
>> label value col col
>> Where the variables have this information: pension = (0,1, 2)
>>                                                             jub = (0,1)
>> Thank you very much!!
>> Leonor

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