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st: RE: Automatically generate table with t-stat for differences in means
From |
"Rodrigo Alfaro A." <[email protected]> |
To |
<[email protected]> |
Subject |
st: RE: Automatically generate table with t-stat for differences in means |
Date |
Wed, 10 Sep 2008 19:23:16 -0400 |
--- Begin Message ---
From |
"Rodrigo Alfaro A." <[email protected]> |
To |
<[email protected]> |
Subject |
RE: Automatically generate table with t-stat for differences in means |
Date |
Wed, 10 Sep 2008 19:23:16 -0400 |
Check -display-, -quietly-, and -return list-
For exmapl
qui ttest x1=x2
display r(mu_1) "; " r(mu_2) "; "
De: [email protected] en nombre de Marietta Jones
Enviado el: Mi� 10/09/2008 06:59 p.m.
Para: [email protected]
Asunto: st: Automatically generate table with t-stat for differences in means
Hi Statalist users,
I have a fairly simple question. I want to create a table output that
will have the following columns:
Column1: Mean for group 1
Column 2: Mean for group 2
Column 3: T-statistic for differences in means
Column 4: P-value of t-stat
I know how to obtain the estimates for each column, but I would like
to automate the layout of the table instead of manually inserting each
estimate in the table. I have looked at tabout, but it doesn't seem to
produce tables with t-stats for differences in means.
Does anyone have any suggestions on which command I could use to
automatically generate the table with the above specifications?
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