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Re: st: sampling weight in --sum,--fsum
Dear Man Jia,
see help svy_estimation. With survey data, you can estimate mean,
proportion, ratio and total.
Using sampling weights is important to get the point estimates right.
If you ignore strata or clusters, you probably will estimate standard
errors biased (See Stata Manual SVY and others references).
Joao Lima
2008/9/9 Man Jia <[email protected]>:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a simple question about survey data. I'd like to report the
> basic statistic description for a survey data set. But the commands
> like --sum --fsum can't use the option of pweight (probability weight).
> What can be used is either fweigtht or aweight.
> Could anyone help me with the following questions?
> 1) How should I get the basic statistics for a survey data which the
> sampling weight is known?
> 2) Now I have no information of strata or cluster. What I only know is
> the sampling weight assigned to each individual. When I just use
> pweight to do OLS regressions with svy command, should the
> missing-strata--and--cluster problem be a concern ?
> Thanks for your help!
> Mandy
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Joao Ricardo Lima
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