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Re: st: suest across two svy:glm models to test interaction
Your -svy- statements are not correct: binge2lt = 0 for those who
binge � 1 month, and so includes those people in the reference group;
similarly, binge2gt will include those the <1 month people in the
reference group. You need -subpop- to include only the two groups in
which you are interested.
Like, Maarten I think that -suest- is a bad idea. I too think that
your "common outcome" logic for using the RR model is faulty. But I
would go further: with common outcomes, main effects, as well as
interactions, are hard to interpret, on the OR scale and the RR
scale. I strongly suggest that you convert to the probability scale
to have understandable results. That will not be easy to do with -
suest-, for there is no need for the two "unrelated" equations to be
compatible (i.e. to lead to three probabilities that sum to 1.
Another difficulty: with a Poisson family assumption, your relative
risk models can easily lead to estimated probabilities, or their CI
upper-endpoints, which are >1. A command that fits the
probabilities for all three outcomes is much better. Before running
one of the ordered logit commands, as Maarten suggests, try -svy:
mlogit-. After these commands, run -mfx- or -margeff- (download from
SSC) to show estimated effects on the probability scale.
On Sep 8, 2008, at 5:20 PM, Christy McKinney wrote:
I am examining the association between binge drinking and neighborhood
poverty using survey data. Because binge drinking is highly prevalent
would like to use glm to estimates relative risks (instead of logistic
& odds ratios).
Past year binge drinking is categorized into 3 groups: no binge
(referent); binge <1 month; and binge �1 month. In one glm model, I
compare binge <1 month (binge2lt) to no binge drinking. In a separate
glm model, I compare binge �1 month (binge2gt) to no binge drinking.
I want to evaluate whether the risk of binge drinking associated with
neighborhood poverty is different for men and women (e.g. does sex
modify the relation between binge drinking and neighborhood poverty?).
am new to the suest command and am not sure I am using properly. Can I
use the suest command to combine the two separate models and test the
interaction jointly across binge drinking categories?
Below is some example code of what I�m trying to do. Is this
Thanks in advance for any assistance! -Christy
xi: svy: glm binge2lt poverty sex i.sex*poverty, fam(poisson)
nolog eform
est store b1
xi: svy: glm binge2gt poverty sex i.sex*poverty, fam(poisson)
nolog eform
est store b1a
suest b1 b1a
test [b1_binge2lt]_IsexXpover_1 [b1a_binge2gt]_IsexXpover_1
Christy McKinney, PhD, MPH
Faculty Associate, Epidemiology
UT Houston School of Public Health
Dallas Regional Campus
6011 Harry Hines Blvd., V8.106
Dallas, TX 75390-9128
[email protected]
(214)648-6574 (phone)
(214)648-1081 (fax)
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