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Re: st: Treating multiple-variables as one

From   "Ziad El-Khatib" <>
Subject   Re: st: Treating multiple-variables as one
Date   Thu, 4 Sep 2008 05:42:32 -0700

Hi Mike!
If I understood your text well, you might have to score the variables
into one variable, depending on what condition you are looking for?

Best regards

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 5:39 AM, Mike Schmitt <> wrote:
> I'm a very new Stata user (using Stata/SE 10.1) and I'm currently
> running into an issue where I have multiple measures of patient
> medications.  Varying patients have varying numbers of drugs and the
> current analysis that I am hoping to do would be based on drug class
> (i.e., medications for high blood pressure).
> The problem is, I have multiple variables accounting for medication
> observation (drug1, drug2, drug3, and so on).  So for some patients
> drug1 may be their blood pressure medication and for other drug3 may
> be their blood pressure medication and if there was only one high
> blood pressure drug per person, I could recode into a new variable
> without an issue.
> My problem is that some patients are on multiple blood pressure
> medications.  So even if I want to run a simple command, such as
> tabulating frequencies, I don't know how to (or if it is possible) to
> treat the drug* variables as one measure of total medications taken by
> the patients in the study.
> What I am looking to do is have Stata treat drug1 through drug* as one
> measure despite the fact that observations were done at the patient
> level.  My final hope would to be correlate all the drug observations
> with another patient variable (i.e, age) to look at prescribing trends
> based on demographic factors.
> If any one has guidance on this issue, I'd appreciate to hear from you.  Thanks,
> Mike Schmitt
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