Sergiy is quite right to draw attention to this thread which raised
several relevant ideas.
An even simpler idea that may be too obvious to mention, but I will
anyway, is that keeping all files for a project together in a single
folder or directory can make many cleverer tricks redundant. I often
forget to do this, but then I have only myself to blame for the
[email protected]
Sergiy Radyakin
Look for an older thread "Does a do file know it's name?", e.g. here:
As far as I know - you have to define the filename either in that file
(e.g. as a local) or in the calling program, which probably calls each
of your individual do files (e.g. as a global).
If you use xml_tab for output, it is convenient to have sheets named
as do-files, and you then have a single Excel file with all your
tables. You can append tables from multiple .do files to a single
output file, so you can form your report step-by-step.
Michael McCulloch
> I'm preparing a long paper which includes tables and graphs generated
> code from an (also very long) do-file. Is there a simple way to append
> those tables and graphs the originating do-file's file name and the
> number where that code would be found?
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