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st: RE: RE: changes of variables over time in panel data

From   Wen Xia Ge <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: changes of variables over time in panel data
Date   Tue, 2 Sep 2008 15:14:27 -0400

Sorry, the description of my question is not clear. Let me rephrase my

My panel data is composed of bond issues of thousands of firms over more
than 10 years. My goal is:

(1) Get the means (medians) of several firm-level variables (V1 to V5)
prior to bond issues and post bond issues, i.e., to get the means
(medians) of V1 to V5 for years -2 to +2 relative to bond issues, and
(2) test whether they are significantly different from zero or not in
each year, 
(3) test if they change significantly from t-1 to t, from t to t+1.

I would like to present the results in the following format:

Year         -2            -1              0              1
V1           mean         mean            mean           mean
       (t-statistics) (t-statistics) (t-statistics) (t-statistics)
V2           mean         mean            mean           mean
       (t-statistics) (t-statistics) (t-statistics) (t-statistics)
V3           mean         mean            mean           mean
       (t-statistics) (t-statistics) (t-statistics) (t-statistics)
V4           mean         mean            mean           mean
       (t-statistics) (t-statistics) (t-statistics) (t-statistics)
V5           mean         mean            mean           mean
       (t-statistics) (t-statistics) (t-statistics) (t-statistics)

Thank you,


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 12:42 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: RE: changes of variables over time in panel data

I don't think you give us any clue on what your goal is, precisely. To
look at changes? That seems to be what all studies of panel data should

To get a better answer than this, you may need to ask a better question.
Otherwise I am reduced to anodyne advice, such as plot your data and
think about building a model. 

[email protected] 

Wen Xia Ge

My panel data is composed of bond issues of thousands of firms over more
than 10 years. I want to look at the changes of several firm-level
variables prior to bond issues and post bond issues, that is, I want to
look at the changes of several firm-level variables in year t-2, t-1, t,
t+1 and t+2, where bond issues are in year t. 

I know we can generate lagged variables (one year lag or two year lag)
in STATA, but I have no clue how to achieve the above goal. Any

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