In order to obtain weighted estimations � and consequently fit your data on a specific population � you�ll need to �place the weight� on estimation command NOT on the data. �To Weight� the data (like, by replicate a single case X times according to its weight) does not work in many, many situations�and will possibly drive you to wrong results�so, don�t do this unless you are totally sure about it.
As I�m not exactly sure about the sample design (and the kind of weight) you have�I�ll give you an example as if you were using �probability weights�. After loading your dataset, to obtain a weighted mean of variable �X�, using the weight variable �Y� (that should indicate the probability weight or just PW), all you need to do is type:
mean X [pw=Y]
In fact, as you can note, the �weighting procedure� (described by the extension �[pw=Y]� on the command above) works as an extension of the command�not a command itself (if you type just "mean X"stata will give you the unweighted mean).
Not all kinds of weight (PW, AW, IW�) work with all commands�but you can figure this out on the help file of the commands you want to proceed with.
Rafael Claro
---------- In�cio da mensagem original -----------
De: owner-statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu
Para: statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu
Data: Sat, 30 Aug 2008 15:24:35 +0200
Assunto: st: How to weight datasets?
> I have four separate datasets that I would like to weight in order to fit them on a specific population. I know that Stata has commands like pweight or aweight, but how exactly do I use them to create a weighted dataset?
> Maybe someone has a do-file to show me or simply write me the needed commands. The Stata- help is no good for me, since I`m not able to use it correctly.
> Thanks a lot
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