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Re: st: multicollinearity and heteroskedasticty in panel models
Welcome, Lamia! Be sure to read the Statalist FAQ, especially section
3. You will increase your chance of a helpful response if you give
details of your specific problem. For example: what kind of design
generated your data? A complex survey? What is the purpose of your
analysis--estimating fixed effects of particular predictors with
others in your model? estimating components of variance? both? ? What
are your outcomes? Is there any particular analysis you've seen that
you would like Stata to duplicate?
I don't think that anyone can answer your question about
heteroskedasticity without such details. Meanwhile, "search
heteroskedastic, all" may lead you to some useful information. And, a
google search with terms "statalist heteroskedastic" will turn up
previous posts.
Collinearity applies to fixed effects, not random ones, so you can
discover collinear variables by running -reg- on your fixed
covariates and then -estat vif- afterwards. You "account" for it as
you would in ordinary regression-opinions and options differ and
there is no automatic method. If your program does not drop variables
because of multicollinearity, many people would do nothing. Type
"search collinear, all" to see some helful resources. A google search
on "statalist collinearity" or "statalist multicollinearity" will
show you previous posts on the topic.
On Aug 29, 2008, at 3:35 PM, lamia chourou wrote:
Dear all,
I am new user of STATA. I have a random effect model and I'd like
to test the presence of multicollinearity and heteroskedasticty and
to account for them. Is there a STATA command that do the job?
Thanks a lot
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