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st: RE : RE: RE: Add variable value on a graph

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: RE : RE: RE: Add variable value on a graph
Date   Thu, 28 Aug 2008 09:57:26 +0200

Thank you Nick.
Your suggestion 

foreach ID of local IDS { 
	su BMI if id == `ID', meanonly  
	line hem time, t1title(`r(min)') 

seems the only one which allows to display a changing value for each subject.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] De la part de Nick Cox
Envoy� : 27 August 2008 15:58
� : [email protected]
Objet : st: RE: RE: Add variable value on a graph

The persuasion Martin suggests is unnecessary. You can add text to a
-line- graph using 
-text()-. Or you can put the same text in a title or the legend. 

Here is a dopey example. 

. sysuse auto

. sort weight mpg

. line weight mpg, text(3000 25 "some text")

If Alvine's problem were mine, I'd probably use -t1title()-. This is best
done as a loop, e.g. 

levelsof id, local(IDS)

foreach ID of local IDS { 
	su BMI if id == `ID', meanonly  
	line hem time, t1title(`r(min)') 

[email protected] 

Martin Weiss

If you could be persuaded to use a -scatter- instead of -line-, then -help
scatter##marker_options- shows that you can add the value of a variable of
your choice to the marker symbols...

[email protected]

I would like to create a graph with  repeated values of hemoglobin versus
time (0,1,2,6 and 12 months) for each subject of my data .

 gr twoway (line hem time) if id==1

I have a variable "BMI" in my data base which gives the BMI of each subject.
I would like to add the value of BMI on each graph for each subject (as
legend) .
Is it possible to add on a plot the value of a variable ?

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