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Re: st: A query about sorting.

From   "Ashim Kapoor" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: A query about sorting.
Date   Mon, 25 Aug 2008 17:50:57 +0530

Hello Eva,

Please find the code below . My apologies for the inconvenience.

local num=_N

forvalues index=1/`num'{

	forvalues j = 1/12 {
		local i=`j'
			while `i' <=12 {
				if ( node`i'[`index']<node`j'[`index'] ){
				local dummy=node`i'[`index']
				replace node`i'=node`j'[`index'] in `index'
				replace node`j'=`dummy' in `index'
				local i=`i'+1


Thank you for your help,

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 5:44 PM, Eva Poen <[email protected]> wrote:
> Ashim,
> please post your code so that we can see exactly what you are doing.
> "A simple bubble for each row" can be just about anything.
> Are you talking about _sorting_ (which affects entire rows of the
> dataset), or _replacing_ your data?  v1[i] < = v2[i] <=... v6[i] is
> either true for each observation (i.e. row) or it's not true. If it't
> not true, sorting (-help sort-) is not going to help.
> Eva
> 2008/8/25 Ashim Kapoor <[email protected]>:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I have a simple code to write.
>> I have 6 variables v1, v2 , v3, v4 ,v5 , v6.
>> I want to sort "according to each observation". That is , in the end
>> for each i I want , v1[i] < = v2[i] <=... v6[i].
>> So I wrote a simple bubble for each row and then loop from 1 to _N.
>> Now the problem is that this works but it's VERY VERY slow. Any
>> comments anyone ?
>> Thank you guys,
>> Ashim. : )
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