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Re: st: fixed effect, autocorrelation heteroskedasticity
Economists often use -xtgls- and manually enter the dummies for cases
(and years if you need 2-way fixed effects).
Another possibility is to use xtreg, fe and cluster on case id. This
will correct the t-values for serial correlation, but you probably
don't have enough cases in each cross-section. This approach might
work if you enter less than about 10 explanatory variables, however.
By the way, the -xtreg, fe- routine in Stata 10 will warn you if
you've exceeded the limits on the number of explanatory variables
when you cluster on case id and the matrix is not full rank. But
Stata 8.2 will not.
D. Jacobs
At 04:03 AM 8/23/2008, you wrote:
Hello everyone,
I'm working on a fixed effect model with n=14 and t=57. I found
autocorrelation ( with xtserial and with xtregar ..., fe lbi) and
heterosketasticity (with :xtreg ..., re//xttest0).
In order to correct autocorelation i use xtregar ..., fe
But xtregar could not use White correction for heteroskedasticity.
How I can do ? xtpcse or xtgls seem to be able to correct the two
problems but do not keep fixed effect.
I'm running Stata 8.2
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