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Re: st: use of rologit
Thanks for all the helpful advice. I'll start to look for these
references. But I would still like to do something in Stata. It seems
that rologit would do the trick, but....
jverkuilen wrote:
Let me consult some references tomorrow---my dissertation was on a related probem. Otherwise see "the" Google. From memory, though, see:
-Fligner and/or Verducci, lots of articles.
-John Marden, Chapman & Hall book on ranking models. His book has a summary of the literature to the mid 90s. (Marden was a committee member.)
-Fellow Illinois alum Albert Maydeu-Olivares (now at Barcelona), who has an article on the unrestricted Thurstone ranking model. (I can't recall the journal but he has all his reprints online.) This would require -gllamm- or -xtmelogit- in Stata.
-See also the article by Sophia Rabe-Hesketh (and co-authors?) on ranking models on (or at least cited on) http://gllamm.org which was in Psychometrika a few years back. She probably has code.
-Can -rologit- accommodate ties? You might be able to trick it that way.
-In general though you usually have to map this kind of response to a mixed binary regression with a decidedly peculiar set of identification constraints.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Data Analytics Corp." <[email protected]>
To: "Stata Listserve" <[email protected]>
Sent: 8/21/2008 10:03 PM
Subject: st: use of rologit
A potential client asked for a form of analysis sometimes done in market
research called maximum-difference (maxdiff) analysis. Basically,
consumers are presented with a series of product attributes (say, four
at a time or a "quad") and then are asked to select the one they prefer
the most and the one they prefer the least. For a quad, the other two
non-selected attributes just fall in the middle. This is repeated
several times with the attributes rotating following an experimental
design. Since the attributes are rated, I was thinking of using rologit
to estimate a model. But then I found a statement in the reference
manual that says that "rologit does not allow for other forms of
incompleteness, for instance, data in which respondents indicate which
of four cars they like best, and which one they like least, but not how
they rank the two intermediate cars." But this is exactly my problem.
Does anyone know how to trick rologit, or know of an ado file to handle
this problem?
Walter R. Paczkowski, Ph.D.
Data Analytics Corp.
44 Hamilton Lane
Plainsboro, NJ 08536
(V) 609-936-8999
(F) 609-936-3733
[email protected]
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