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Thanks Martin and Roy. The code Roy does what I want. I try to post it
again for future reference.
CONTENT of sutex2.ado:
capture program drop sutex2
*! sutex2 version 0.9 based on -sutex- 04 Sep 2001 by [email protected]
set more off
prog define sutex2, byable(recall,noheader)
version 7.0
syntax [varlist] [if] [in] [aweight fweight], [DIGits(integer 3)]
[LABels] [PAR] [NOBS] [MINmax] [NA(string)] [TITle(string)]
[KEY(string)] [PLacement(string)] [LONGtable] [NOCHECK] [FILE(string)]
* Verifying syntax
capture confirm variable `varlist'
if _rc==7 {
di as error "no variables found" exit
if "`file'"=="" & ("`append'"!="" | "`replace'"!="") {
di as error "append and replace are only usable in conjonction with
file, options ignored"
tempvar touse
mark `touse' `if' `in'
if _by() {
qui replace `touse'=0 if `_byindex'!=_byindex()
tempname fich
*setting file extension
if "`file'"!="" {
tokenize "`file'", parse(.)
if "`3'"=="" {
local file="`1'.tex"
if _byindex()>1 {
local replace=""
local append="append"
if "`file'"=="" {
local type="di "
if "`file'"!=""{
local type="file write `fich'"
local nline="_n"
if "`file'"!="" {
file open `fich' using `file' ,write `append' `replace' text
*Table heads
local nm_vr="Variable"
local nm_me="Mean"
local nm_sd="Std. Dev."
local nm_mn="Min."
local nm_mx="Max."
local headlong="... table \thetable{} continued"
local footlong="Continued on next page..."
if "`placement'"=="" {
local placement="htbp"
if _by() {
local by=_byindex()
local z="`na'"
if "`na'"!="" {
local na2="na(`z')"
if "`varlist'"=="" {
local varlist =unav _all
if "`title'"=="" {
local title="Summary statistics"
if "`key'"=="" {
local key="sumstat"
local title="`title' `by'"
if _by()!=0 {
local key="`key'`by'"
*checking number of obs
local v=2
tokenize "`varlist'"
qui su `1'
local q1=r(N)
mac shift
while "`1'" !="" {
qui su `1'
local q`v'=r(N)
if `q`v''!=`q1' {local nobs="nobs"}
local v=`v'+1
mac shift
* Number of digits
local nbdec="0."
local i=1
while `i'<=`digits'-1 {
local nbdec="`nbdec'0"
local i=`i'+1
if `digits'==0 {
local nbdec="1"
if `digits'>0 {
local nbdec="`nbdec'1"
* from -outreg2-
local nbdec=abs(int(ln(abs(`nbdec'-int(`nbdec')))/ln(10)-1))
* setting columns
if "`minmax'"!="" {
local a1=" c c"
if "`minmax'"!="" {
local a2=" & \textbf{`nm_mn'} & \textbf{`nm_mx'}"
local a3=2
if "`minmax'"!="" {
local a3=`a3'+2
if "`nobs'"!="" {
local a3=`a3'+1
local a6=`a3'+1
if "`nobs'"!="" {
local a4=" c"
if "`nobs'"!="" {
local a5=" & \textbf{N}"
if "`par'"!="" {
local op="("
if "`par'"!="" {
local fp=")"
if "`file'"=="" {
`type' "%------- Begin LaTeX code -------%"_newline
if "`file'"!="" {
`type' ""_n
* "regular" table
if "`longtable'"=="" {
`type' "\begin{table}[`placement']\centering
`type' "\begin{tabular}{l c c `a1' `a4'}\hline\hline"`nline'
`type' "\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{`nm_vr'}} & \textbf{`nm_me'}"
_newline " & \textbf{`op'`nm_sd'`fp'}`a2' `a5'\\\ \hline"`nline'
if "`longtable'"!="" {
`type' `nline'"\begin{center}"_newline "\begin{longtable}{l c c `a1'
`type' "\caption{`title'\label{`key'}}\\\"_newline"\hline\hline
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{`nm_vr'}}"_newline" &
\textbf{`nm_me'}"_newline" & \textbf{`op'`nm_sd'`fp'}`a2' `a5' \\\
`type' "\endfirsthead"`nline'
`type' "\multicolumn{`a6'}{l}{\emph{`headlong'}}"_newline"\\\ \hline
\hline\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{`nm_vr'}}"_newline" &
\textbf{`nm_me'}"_newline" & \textbf{`op'`nm_sd'`fp'}`a2' `a5' \\\
`type' "\endhead"`nline'
`type' "\hline"`nline'
`type' "\multicolumn{`a6'}{r}{\emph{`footlong'}}\\\"`nline'
`type' "\endfoot"`nline'
`type' "\endlastfoot"`nline'
tokenize "`varlist'"
local l=0
while "`1'" !="" {
local l=`l'+1
mac shift
local i=1
while `i'<=`l' {
if "`par'"!="" {
local op="("
if "`par'"!="" {
local fp=")"
tokenize "`varlist'"
local nom="``i''"
qui su `nom' if `touse' [`weight' `exp']
if "`labels'"!="" {
local lab : variable label ``i''
if "`lab'"!="" {
local nom="\`lab'"
*LaTeX special characters
if "`nocheck'"=="" {
latres ,name(`nom')
local nom="$nom"
*local mean=round(r(mean), `nbdec')
local mean = string(r(mean),"%12.`nbdec'f")
*local sd=round(sqrt(r(Var)), `nbdec')
local sd = string(sqrt(r(Var)),"%12.`nbdec'f")
if substr("`mean'",1,1)=="." {
local mean="0`mean'"
if substr("`mean'",1,2)=="-." {
local pb=substr("`mean'",3,.)
local mean="-0.`pb'"
if substr("`sd'",1,1)=="." {
local sd="0`sd'"
parse "`mean'", parse(.)
local mean="$_1"+"$_2"+substr("$_3",1,`digits')
parse "`sd'", parse(.)
local sd="$_1"+"$_2"+substr("$_3",1,`digits')
local N`i'=r(N)
if `N`i''==0 {
local mean="`na'"
local sd="`na'"
local op=""
local fp=""
if `N`i''==1 {
local sd="`na'"
local op=""
local fp=""
*local min=round( r(min), `nbdec')
local min = string(r(min),"%12.`nbdec'f")
if substr("`min'",1,1)=="." {
local min="0`min'"
if substr("`min'",1,2)=="-." {
local pb=substr("`min'",3,.)
local min="-0.`pb'"
parse "`min'", parse(.)
local min="$_1"+"$_2"+substr("$_3",1,`digits')
*local max=round( r(max), `nbdec')
local max = string(r(max),"%12.`nbdec'f")
if substr("`max'",1,1)=="." {
local max="0`max'"
if substr("`max'",1,2)=="-." {
local pb=substr("`max'",3,.)
local max="-0.`pb'"
parse "`max'", parse(.)
local max="$_1"+"$_2"+substr("$_3",1,`digits')
if `N`i''==0 {
local min="`na'"
local max="`na'"
if "`minmax'"!="" {
local extr="& `min' & `max'"
if "`nobs'"!="" {
local taille=" & `N`i''"
local ligne="\`nom' & `mean' & `op'`sd'`fp' `extr' `taille'"
* Displaying table lines
`type' "`ligne'\\\"`nline'
local i=`i'+1
if "`nobs'"!="" {
`type' "\hline"
local N=r(N)
if "`nobs'"=="" {
`type' "\multicolumn{1}{c}{N} & \multicolumn{`a3'}{c}{`N'}\""\\" "
if "`longtable'"==""{
`type' "\end{tabular}"_newline "\end{table}"
if "`longtable'"!=""{
`type' "\end{longtable}"_newline "\end{center}"}
if "`file'"!="" {
`type' ""_n
if "`file'"=="" {
`type' "%------- End LaTeX code -------%"`nline'
if "`file'"!="" {
file close `fich'
macro drop ligne*
macro drop nom
if "`file'"!="" {
di `"file {view "`file'"} saved"'
*LaTeX special characters search and replace routine
cap prog drop latres
program define latres
version 7.0
syntax ,name(string) [sortie(string) nom]
if "`sortie'"=="" {
local sortie="nom"
local cr1="_"
local crc1="\_"
local cr2="\"
local crc2="$\backslash$ "
local cr3="$"
local crc3="\symbol{36}"
local cr4="{"
local crc4="\{"
local cr5="}"
local crc5="\}"
local cr6="%"
local crc6="\%"
local cr7="#"
local crc7="\#"
local cr8="&"
local crc8="\&"
local cr9="~"
local crc9="\~{}"
local cr10="^"
local crc10="\^{}"
local cr11="<"
local crc11="$<$ "
local cr12=">"
local crc12="$>$ "
local nom="`name'"
local t=length("`nom'")
local rg=1
local mot2=""
while `rg'<=`t' {
local let`rg'=substr("`nom'",`rg',1)
local num=1
while `num'<=12 {
if "`let`rg''"=="`cr`num''" {
local let`rg'="`crc`num''"
local num=`num'+1
if "`let`rg''"=="" {
local mot2="`mot2'"+" "
else if "`let`rg''"!="" {
local mot2="`mot2'"+"`let`rg''"
local rg=`rg'+1
global `sortie'="`mot2'"
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/help.cgi?search
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/