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Re: st: odbc load query

From   "Joseph Coveney" <>
To   "Statalist" <>
Subject   Re: st: odbc load query
Date   Tue, 19 Aug 2008 09:00:16 +0900

Murali Kuchibhotla wrote:

. . . When I type odbc list, dailysnap_2008 is recognised as a DSN. However,
when I follow that up with odbc query dailysnap_2008, I get :

set debug on
odbc query  dailysnap_2008
Connection Parameters: DSN=dailysnap_2008;

However, when I try this procedure with another listed DSN, I am able to
load the specified file. The only difference between the 2 files is in terms
of their size; the one I am able to load is 50,000kb while dailysnap_2008 is
220,000kb. Could this be causing the problem?


If that connection parameter message is all you get and if you're using
Windows XP, then it looks as if you haven't set up the DSN completely--it
appears that your DSN doesn't have a defined target workbook and its
directory path.  If you're using Windows XP, go into the Control Panel, Data
Sources (ODBC), User or System DSN (whichever) for dailysnap_2008, and then
Configure.  Make sure that the Select Workbook dialogue box points to your
workbook.  (Make sure that everything else in the DSN is okay, too, before
clicking OK.)

If you're using Macintosh, Unix or Linux, then see the FAQ at for help in setting up
the DSN.

Joseph Coveney

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