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Re: st: Bug in graph box, over(... relabel)
Thanks Rich,
I seem to have forgotten that relabel does NOT refer to the variable's codes (0 and 1) but to the first and second (1 and 2) values (ascending sort) of the variable.
>>> On 8/18/2008 at 2:45 PM, in message <[email protected]>, Richard
Goldstein <[email protected]> wrote:
> Liz:
> I think you want the following:
> graph box map, medtype(line) over(pdi, relabel(1 "70+" 2 "<70")) over(ga)
> Rich
> Elizabeth Allred wrote:
>> Most recent update (Aug 11, 2008) of Version 10.1 running under Windoze XP
>> I have a dichotomous 0/1 variable:
>> |
>> PDI | Freq. Percent Cum.
>> ------------+-----------------------------------
>> 0 | 706 69.08 69.08
>> 1 | 316 30.92 100.00
>> ------------+-----------------------------------
>> Total | 1,022 100.00
>> Code 0 means 70+ and code 1 means <70.
>> I want a box & whiskers plot with those codes labeled:
>> graph box map, medtype(line) over(pdi, relabel(0 "70+" 1"< 70")) over(ga)
>> This should give an x axis like this:
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> 70+ <70 70+ <70 70+ <70 70+ <70 70+ <70
>> 23 24 25 26 27
>> What I get is this:
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> <70 1 <70 1 <70 1 <70 1 <70 1
>> 23 24 25 26 27
>> The axis is correct if I _label define ..._ and _label value ..._ the
> variable _pdi_ before issuing the graph command.
>> Have I coded relabel in the graph command incorrectly or is this a bug?
>> Liz
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