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RE: st: RE: RE: Bootstrap and Technical analysis

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: RE: RE: Bootstrap and Technical analysis
Date   Mon, 18 Aug 2008 16:44:16 +0100

I disagree. 

You may have forgotten, but people who join the list are explicitly asked to read the FAQ on joining the list. Here is the entirety of the message that people get. Note the "". 

"Welcome to Statalist. We hope that you will find Statalist postings interesting and useful, and that you may feel able to contribute.
Statalist has been going since 1994, and over that time we have developed an FAQ which is at 

It is packed with information and, indeed, the distilled wisdom of Statalist veterans.

Please read that FAQ at your convenience, but certainly before you post anything to the list. We hope you will find that acting on the advice given in the FAQ will increase the chance of someone answering your questions fruitfully and keep the list pleasant for all."

People may overlook that message, or choose to ignore that advice, or whatever. But they _are_ asked to look at the FAQ before posting and _given an explanation why_. 

Nevertheless we could consider a change of name for the FAQ, if that were widely thought a good idea. For my part, I consider that a list having an FAQ that includes advice is quite expectable and the name is a cosmetic matter. A name change could confuse quite as many who are used to it as help those supposedly confused by the name. 

[email protected] 

Chris Witte

Not to stoke the fire, but why would Mahmoud think he would need to read the FAQ page?� The question he had is hardly "frequently asked".� I suggest putting these "rules" either on the same page as the instructions to subscribe to the list (so people would be more likely to glance over them before subscribing) or on a separate page titled something like "Statalist Usage Guidelines".� 

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